2014年5月2日 星期五

鉅細靡遺的街景服務-Google Maps的隱私權爭議

對現代人來說,「Google Maps」一詞想必不陌生。Google Maps的服務帶給使用者不少便利性,例如:只需點選地圖上的任一地點,就能夠得到該處更詳盡的資訊。又或者,欲前往某一地方,只需要搜尋,Google Maps就能夠提供規劃路線,甚至連可搭乘的交通工具都有非常清楚的指示。再加上現在智慧型手機的使用相當普及,用路人隨時隨地都能夠很快速的查詢,找路不再需要厚厚的地圖集或是攤開整大張的地圖,也能更節省寶貴時間。

除此之外,Google Maps還有一項相當特別的功能:



首先先藉由Google Maps的這個簡單明瞭的影片來介紹這項功能

透過街景服務,Google Maps 360度影像讓使用者只要在電腦前就能夠遊歷世界各地,不僅如此,Google Maps更有3D地圖功能,讓使用者能隨心所欲的調整看世界的角度。
目前Google Maps的街景服務已經涵蓋眾多國家(如下圖)Google Maps甚至深入熱帶雨林拍攝,以及提供海底深處的街景等等,這些影像都能帶給使用者全新的體驗。

台灣Google Maps的街景服務是始於20098月,現在涵蓋範圍也已擴張到全台各縣市(如左圖)

為了提供街景服務功能,Google Maps「街景車」會抵達世界各個角落拍攝照片。
再透過另一個可愛的小短片來了解Google Maps街景服務的Behind the Scenes吧!


Google Maps宣稱他們十分重視使用者的隱私權以及安全,由上面的影片中也可得知,Google Maps對人臉及車牌做模糊的處理,並且若使用者回報對拍照的影像有疑慮提出意見時,Google Maps也會加以處理。

然而,這真的能夠解決Google Maps對隱私權侵害的問題嗎?

Google Maps模糊照片以強調保障隱私的措施其實並不那麼理想,我隨意瀏覽了幾處的街景就很輕易的發現並未做模糊處理的車牌。

即使Google Maps街景服務有提供回報機制,但這樣被動的等使用者發現後才移除,有時候疏失可能早已經造成隱私權的侵害。在台灣就曾被網友發現在花蓮有裸女照片並未經馬賽克處理,以及Google Maps的街景車曾在沿街拍攝時未經當事人同意就任意蒐集他人的WiFi資料等問題。
另外,我國的消基會也曾對Google Maps提出疑慮,消基會認為Google Maps是「主動拍攝」,卻要被動被拍的民眾發現不妥後回報才會主動移除,明顯不合理。並且認為Google在未徵得當事人同意下,不應先曝露個人隱私再事後處理。

事實上,世界各國都因隱私權侵害問題出現不少對Google Maps的反對聲浪。
英國郊區就曾有村民攻擊街景車,要求不可把照片放上網路。在倫敦,保羅麥卡尼(Paul McCartney)的豪宅也曾被拍上Google Maps,明星的地址也因此被洩漏。歐盟也曾警告Google Maps不可侵犯民眾隱私,更要求Google在拍攝與上傳地圖前,必須告知當事人。在希臘甚至一度停止Google Maps的拍攝工作。而美國國防部也在Google Maps上發現美國聖安東尼奧火箭發射基地的詳細照片後宣布禁止Google攝影車進入軍事基地或私人產業,因其街景服務可能威脅到軍事基地及軍人的安危。


就如同德國的消保團體所說,街景服務鉅細靡遺地呈現街道和建築的3D照片,表面上美其名是提供服務,但民眾卻付出了失去隱私的代價。我們應該省思的是,當我們的車牌、家門、甚至我們的臉我們的衣著,全部都可能一覽無遺的被放上網路並且能夠被整個世界瀏覽,這樣的代價我們真的願意承擔嗎自從上了阿貴老師的課之後我才開始注意許多科技發展同時帶來的隱私侵害問題,我們必須持續的關注這些議題並且適時的發聲才能捍衛自己應有的權利。也許Google Maps提供了我們許多便利並且可說是為了公眾的利益在服務,但這項功能卻得犧牲使用者的隱私,Google Maps應該發展出更周密的措施以保護使用者才對。


圖片來源皆為我自己從Google Maps上截圖後再加以標記

2013年1月15日 星期二


     It is the week of final exams and it is also a final week of this semester. To flash back the days in this semester, all I want to ask myself is that "What did I learn?"
     There are lots of activites in this semester. Cheerleading and the chorus made me learn about the importance between the group. All members in the group are essential and should be responsible and pay attention. Everyone's efforts can lead us to success. And one semester in DFLL I learn many things, too. I have more courages to talk and communicate to each other in English;I have more opporunities to use English which I have learned in all my life;I learn terms in literature and read some well-known stories;I write more essays and I hope I improve a little bit;I learned about transcription of Charles Dickens and some videos;and I also know stories about Achilles, Odysseus and Agamemnon. I even can speak a little German now!
     I meet friends from different place in Taiwan and find some difference from the habits between us. I try to make friends with others and I think it is a way of learning, too.
     I also know more about Taichung. The bus, the places, the streets and the roads, the food, the stores and the night markets......
     I hope I can absorb more knowledge next semester, not only from textbooks but also from lives. See you next semester! Happy Winter Vacation~~~

2013年1月8日 星期二

New Year Resolutions

     2012, which is said to be the year of doomsday, finished in a happy ending. By the way, we are still alive now.
    Welcome the coming of new year. I think 2013 might be a year of rebirth. It seems like we SURVIVE from doomsday and get a rebirth. And I think it can also be decribed as a changing year. I want to have some progress and changes of my life. And I want to tell my new year resolution.
     The first is that I want to find a goal. Anything, maybe about school work, love or diet or even health. I remembered myself having a explicit purpose. I wanted to get into my ideal college in entrance exam. But when I get into the college now (although it isn't the same as my original goal), I can't find my direction of life. Everyday I feel I don't do something and the time flies. I waste a lot of my time on the Internet and I know it is meaningless but I still can't help but do that thing. I really want to control myself don't be that addicted to the Internet and find a direction of my college life.
     The second is that I want to pay more attention on studying because I think I didn't catch the point of college work that much this semester. I spend a lot of times getting on track and adapt to the steps of each subjects slowly. I can catch more now so I want to progress this year. And I hope that I can get ALL PASS in both semesters of this year......
      It is said that we shouldn't tell our third wish(it is also a resolution) or it won't come true. So I would like to keep this in my mind. I hope I can reach three of my new year resolutions and have a good 2013.

2013年1月1日 星期二


     Tangled is an animated movie of Disney and it is one of my favorite Disney's movie. The first time I warched this movie was in my high school's music class. All my classmates and I loved this movie very very much. It's a warm and cute movie based on a fairy tale but the screenwriter changes lot of plots.
     Rapunzel is a lovely girl. She is captured in the castle and her only dream is to go out to see the lights in the sky on her birthday. I really wanted to watch the movie again  so I did it in this short four-day vacation.
    I remembered the first time I watched the movie, Rapunzel's story cheered me up and made me be braver to face my entrance exam. And this time, she inpires me again and gives me some courages to face the future.
     Never stop to pursue our dreams. There are always hope if we don't give up. Keep holding on and at last we will get our own success.
     By the way, I love the theme song "I see the light" very much!
This is the link of this song's video. Hope you enjoy it, too.

2012年12月25日 星期二

Merry Christmas

     Frohe Wiehnachten!!
     I am studying in German now in our apartment and this sentence means "Merry Christmas" in German.
     Christmas is one of my favorite festivals in one year. I love this day because I think it is a warm and sweet festival. And there are always lots of activities that we do to celebrate Christmas, such as, exchanging gifts, Christmas party. And this year we freshman played a special game called"小天使小主人". We (小天使) had to care for our boss (小主人) every day or every two or three days. We could write cards or buy some food for he or she. But we had to hide ourselves well and should not let our boss know who we were. I thought it was an very interesting and exciting game and this game could make we classmates get closer. We knew our angel in the afternoon of Christmas. A lot of surprising things happened and it was very fun. Everyone laughed~~~~~~~~~
     By the way, the Christmas party in our department was fun, too. We all had a happy time that night!!
     I thought it was really a "Merry Christmas" this year!!

2012年12月20日 星期四

One act play

     There have been preparing for an one act play of freshman to senior in our department recently. And yesterday was the date of the play really on. I thought I see three amazing performances.
     We freshman's play was named "Gun Violence". And it happened in a court. Many classmates in our class acted in the play, such as Doris, Yvonne and Liang. They were good actors and made breakthough of themselves. For example, Doris and Yvonne acted a man.
     It was very happy to see this one act play finished in happy ending because all actors, staffs and the director have given a lot of effort and passion to it. Especially the director, Tony Wu. Everyday during this play he was very busy. He was a great and responsible director.
     By the way, Yvonne acted as a judge in this play and she got the award of the best supporting actor!!!!! She was an excellent actor~~~~~~~~~~ I love you "your honor".

2012年12月17日 星期一

Live house

     I went to a live performance of katncandix2(棉花糖) last weekend in Taichung.
     Katncandix2 is a two-person group. The vocal's name is 小球 and the guitar's name is 沈聖哲. Both of them can compose music and they create most of their songs by themselves. I love 小球 very much. She is a very cute girl with special ideas and lovely sound. She can always "sing" her thought to others. Her songs always cheer me up. Not only by her voice but also the lyrics of the songs. The lyrics are very inspiring and can always give the listeners courages and power.
     I have seen a few concerts before but this is my first time go to a Live House. I am a big fan of Kpop stars, Super Junior and Bigbang. And I think the shows between SJ and BB are quite different from Katncandix2's performance. For example the area and the number of the auidience. And these differences can lead to different feelings of the show. To me, small places can make me feel closer to my idols.
    By the way, I want to introduce one song of katncandix2. It is called 你的肩膀我的遠方. Every time I listen to this song, I can't help but cry. The lyrics are very touching and make me think of my parents. I miss them and want to go home immediately. When hearing 小球's live of this song, my tears dropped right away. And this is the link of the song------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYXiqKERj78